CRISCO Project

on social cohesion and mutual understanding through art
About This Project

CRISCO is the acronym of a project of different partners from nine EU countries, financed by the European Commission centered on social cohesion and mutual understanding through art, reducing cultural and social barriers.

The activity implemented for the project was a creative workshop on intercultural dialogue based on memory and identity. The workshop saw the participation of a group of women with a diversified demographic profile, including the natives, expats, newly arrived migrants.

The first phase concerned the visualization of the respective childhoods in the native countries, fixing the main colour, the group was then invited to create a collective painting on memory, coordinated by the artist.

The installation was exposed the 8th of March for Women’s Day.  The activity was presented in Bassano del Grappa, Italy from 14 to 16 March 2018. This was the occasion to see performances of people with disabilities who acted in different shows with the main idea of proposing new languages. In the Museo Civico of Bassano we experienced a workshop of the Dance Well Project, inspired by the theories and movements of the Pina Baush Nelken Line show, addressed to Parkinson people but open to all public. In the same rooms of the museum, there were abstract canvas of the exhibition “In-Colore”  with a single important message: the experience of beauty is curative in itself and awakens our deep emotions.